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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

REVIEW : One Foot in The Grave by Jeaniene Frost

One Foot In The Grave (Night Huntress #2)

Author     : Jeaniene Frost
Publisher  : Indonesia - Dastan Book
    U.S - Avon
Source     $3A Bought
Pages       : 432

Summary from Goodreads :
Half-vampire Cat Crawfield is now Special Agent Cat Crawfield, working for the government to rid the world of the rogue undead. She’s still using everything Bones, her sexy and dangerous ex, taught her, but when Cat is targeted for assassination, the only man who can help her is the vampire she left behind.

Being around him awakens all her emotions, from the adrenaline kick of slaying vamps side by side to the reckless passion that consumed them. But a price on her head—wanted: dead or half-alive—means her survival depends on teaming up with Bones. And no matter how hard she tries to keep things professional between them, she’ll find that desire lasts forever... and that Bones won’t let her get away again.

Review of previous book : Halfway To The Grave

I highly suggest to read Halfway To The Grave first because this review might contain spoiler of previous book. Okay, actually Cat's last decision at previous book upset me very much. In the name of sacrificial she left Bones, thought if she did that it would protect him and would be the best for everyone. It wasn't a bad thought, but kinda selfish wasn't it? So I thought I wouldn't enjoy the sequel, ehem well, you know because being Bones-less can effect much but I'm soooo glad I was wrong.

This sequel is set 4 years after Cat separated from Bones. She keeps changing her identity and appearance for her work as special agent to make her untracable, from vampires who desire to kill her because she has been very famous as 'Red Reaper', a red-head vampire slayer; and also from Bones whom she still loves until this time. Cat might deeply broken-hearted, but she doesn't spend her time just whinning about it. She heartlessly-like continues her life, focuses more on leading many dangerous missions and I really adore her for that. Although she becomes maturer and seems cursing too much, Cat still has her dorky and sarcastic voices that made me laugh out loud. Her slaying adventures with her well-trained (and hotties;D) crew were really enjoyable, full of action and straining my nerves. I also loved to see that Cat builds her new family with Don, Tate, Juan and others. We also meet some new characters with their each charms, some are good and the villains with surprising identity are very evil here. I amazed by Frost's gory imagination, it's very creepy and seriously evil.

I was beyond happy when finally Bones coincidentally meets Cat, and dropped his platina color hair (kinda loved his natural hair color, I have to say). They reconcile and clear all problems, the reason why Cat left him which I personally thought it's reasonable if you have a hot undead and never-aging lover. Bones still amazed me with uber-sexiness and his witty-pervy comments. His adoration toward Cat was melting me away. Has I ever told I gradually begin to love possesive and dominator alpha-male? xD That's why I really love Bones. Like previous one, this sequel is also not all about steamies, just plenty of them but fiuh, they're double, triple hotter than previous till I nearly fainted, well talk about previous 4 years lived in despair without each other. For some reason, although I'm already this old it's hard for me to enjoy over-heat sex scenes that appear at mostly adult urban fantasy, sometimes they're too overwhelming could make me a bit disgusted. But Frost really done it well like she could nail the pervert part of me and simply asked "BONES, PLEASE MARRY ME!" LOL

One thing I also really enjoyed was Bones jealousy. I was like 'Bones, a god of sex with all his perfect lover qualities, ever jealous to other human guy?' and forgot about possesive side on vampire concept =p. I found Tate was very awesome too, his loyalty and unrequited love toward Cat moves me. And I think inserting him as a third person between Cat and Bones makes the relationship and story itself become more interesting.

Overall, One Foot In The Grave is still a sexy read with witty writing skill, fast pace action, thrilling love story and hot characters. I can say this has very satisfying ending and made me wanting to know more what would happen next. If you like Adult Urban Fantasy especially hot Vampires, quickly grab the first book. You'll be addicted ;D


  1. I absolutely love this series .. Cat and Bones are amaing characters ! Fabulous review Elisa ;)

    1. Cat and Bones are my fave couple as well. Thanks Elodie :D


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